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How To Get On Podcasts And Grow Your Impact By Guest Podcastin‪g‬

Is this the best marketing strategy in the world right now?

❌ Facebook ads? No, but we do love us some Facebook ads

❌ SEO? Great too, but definitely a long term play

Want to take another guess?

Let’s start by laying down what it takes to attract and convert new customers…

1️⃣ You have to have an audience that Knows, Likes, and Trusts you enough to give you money and believe that your product/service will solve their problem or successfully transform their life.

That kind of relationship takes time to cultivate (unless you use this strategy)

2️⃣ You have to have a clear, concise message that gets that audience’s attention and turns it into interest

3️⃣ You have to have a way to get that message to that audience

Like I said, building a relationship takes time. But what if you could “borrow” the relationship and immediately have an audience that Knows, Likes, and Trusts you?

That’s what makes being a podcast GUEST one of the best marketing strategies in the world right now. We’re breaking down all the benefits and how to’s in today’s episode!

Watch This Episode To Learn How To Get On More Podcasts

Want To Get On More Podcasts?

Come check out PodMAX!

We’ll prep you and get you polished to be a great podcast guest, then you’ll get to be a guest on 3 different podcasts in one day!

Check out PodMAX at PodMAX.co

About the author Todd

Todd is the Founder and lead Evangelist of Growth Suite.