in Insights,

This 8 Weeks Changed My Life…

Back in 2012, Hurricane Sandy wiped out all of my clients for weeks, some of them for months.

That meant no income for me.

Instead of sitting around feeling sorry for myself, I rolled up my sleeves.

I didn’t want to have to worry about going to those local networking breakfasts, chasing after sales, and spending an unreasonable amount of time doing ‘coffee meetings’ just hoping someone might have a referral for me.

Over the course of the next 8 weeks, I honed my content skills.

And it worked. Clients from around the country started finding me on Google and social media.

Referrals look me up and binge my content, coming to me knowing the value we bring to the table.

People in my network already see me more frequently, always having me top of mind and seeing what problems I can help them solve.

When they have a need, my name pops in their head and they reach out to me instead of researching their options.

I put in the reps to become Prolific.

And became the now-cliched “Thought Leader” of my industry. Featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Huffington Post and a bunch of other prominent publications.

What used to feel like the insurmountable task of “posting content” became simple and easy because I built up these new muscles.

What started off taking me hours of grinding, now simply takes me 5 minutes while my coffee is brewing.

Even as I write this, I’m waiting for my chicken nuggets in the air fryer.

Because I’ve created a process and mindset that makes it simple and easy to get my ideas and insights out to the world and increase the surface area for ideal clients to find me and Know, Like, and Trust me.

And it’s not just content for content-sake, it was figuring out what kind of things to talk about in my content that would get the Attention of my ideal clients, help develop Relationships with them, and ultimately create sales Opportunities.

About the author Todd

Todd is the Founder and lead Evangelist of Growth Suite.