Was just reminded of this while listening to a book (Oversubscribed, if you’re interested)…

Google has this massive report / study called the “Zero Moment Of Truth” (ZMOT for the acronym geeks) where they crunched who-knows-how-much sales and marketing data to determine what the process looked like for someone to buy something from their moment of realizing they needed/wanted it (aka “Stimulus”):

Long story short: They determined someone needs to spend 7 hours consuming content from your brand, over 11 different touch points, in 4 different locations in order to make a purchase.

This can be written blog posts, emails, social media. It can be videos or audio podcasts. Mix them up so they have 4 different locations to consume your content (my suggestion is: a social media channel, your blog, youtube videos, and either an audio podcast or a second social media channel). 

Here’s an overview of a 7 step Brand Ecosystem you can use for your business – https://thegrowthsuite.com/brand-ecosystem-in-7-steps/ (not saying this is exactly what everyone should be doing, but it’s a good example to show you how to think about things – if you want a customized strategy, let me know).

What does this mean for you?

If you don’t have at least 7 hours worth of content for them to consume throughout their customer journey, spread across different places and touch points, you are massively missing out on your real potential as a business.

What to do next:

Start creating content so when someone is stimulated to buy whatever you sell,  you have the 7-11-4 that most customers will need to go through to buy something. Otherwise you have a half-built bridge that customers are not able to cross to do business with you.

About the author Todd

Todd is the Founder and lead Evangelist of Growth Suite.