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Content Creation Made Easy With Mindset – How to Overcome Mental Blocks and Take Action Featuring Penny Chiasson

Content Creation Made Easy With Mindset – How to Overcome Mental Blocks and Take Action

Content Creation Made Easy With Mindset: How to Overcome Mental Blocks and Take Action

Struggling to create content consistently? You’re not alone. Many creators hit mental blocks even with strong strategies in place. This insightful discussion between Todd Giannattasio and Penny Chiasson dives deep into why these blocks exist and how to overcome them. They explore mindset, identity, and subconscious beliefs, revealing practical strategies to break through these barriers and take consistent action.

Understanding Mindset Blocks

Why is it so hard to take action, even when you know what to do? Todd and Penny address this question by exploring the invisible barriers that stop us from making progress. These barriers often come from deep within—our subconscious mind.

Common Mental Blocks in Content Creation

Many creators face the same struggles when it comes to content creation. Some of the most common mental blocks include:

  • Fear of judgment
  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of being seen

These fears create hesitation, making content creation feel overwhelming, especially when you’re just starting out.

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Penny Chiasson’s Journey to Mindset Mastery

Penny shares her unique journey from 25 years in healthcare to becoming a board-certified hypnotist. Her transition was driven by her own struggles with mindset blocks. This personal experience not only helped her overcome her own challenges but also made her an expert in helping others do the same.

What Can We Learn from Penny’s Story?

  • Mindset blocks can hold anyone back, regardless of their experience or skills.
  • Overcoming these blocks often requires deep work, addressing both conscious and subconscious beliefs.
  • By tackling these issues head-on, you can unlock new levels of success and productivity.

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Todd’s Perspective: Why Clients Struggle to Take Action

Todd reflects on the challenges his clients face when creating content. Many have strong strategies in place but still fail to take action due to invisible barriers. What’s surprising is how common this issue is, even among highly capable individuals.

Why Does This Happen?

According to Todd, many clients struggle after the excitement of live sessions fades. They feel motivated in the moment but are unable to follow through later. This is a clear example of how mental blocks operate below the surface, undermining even the best intentions.

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Breaking Down Common Mindset Blocks

In this section, Penny and Todd explore the specific mindset blocks that hold people back. These include fears that are deeply ingrained in our psyche and often stem from past experiences or societal expectations.

Key Mindset Blocks

Here are some of the most common mindset blocks Todd and Penny identified:

  • Fear of judgment: Worrying about how others perceive you or your work.
  • Fear of failure: Doubting your ability to succeed, often due to past failures.
  • Perfectionism: Feeling like everything must be perfect before you can share it.

These fears prevent many creators from taking the next step, even when they know what they need to do.

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The Role of Identity and Belief Systems

Penny introduces the concept of identity and how it influences our beliefs and behaviors. Our identity is shaped by family, mentors, and authority figures, and it can either empower or limit us.

How Belief Systems Impact Action

Many of our beliefs come from authority figures who shaped our early lives. Sometimes, these beliefs stick with us, even if they no longer align with who we are or what we want to achieve. For example:

  • “Work hard to succeed” can create burnout and resistance in entrepreneurship.
  • “Don’t stand out” can prevent people from putting their content in the public eye.

Penny emphasizes that changing these beliefs is essential for breaking through mental barriers and achieving your goals.

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The Power of the Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind plays a powerful role in driving our actions. Penny explains that many people try surface-level techniques like affirmations and mindfulness, but these approaches only scratch the surface. True change happens when we address the subconscious mind.

How to Reprogram Your Subconscious

To truly overcome mental blocks, you need to rewire your subconscious mind. This involves more than just repeating affirmations—it requires engaging with the emotions and beliefs that shape your identity.

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Entrepreneurial Identity Conflicts

Many entrepreneurs experience internal conflicts because their upbringing or environment did not prepare them for entrepreneurship. For example, they may have been raised to value stable jobs or fear the risks associated with business ventures.

How These Conflicts Affect Content Creation

Penny highlights that these subconscious conflicts often surface when creators try to push past their comfort zones. Whether it’s fear of burnout, fear of failure, or fear of judgment, these internal conflicts create resistance, making it hard to stay consistent with content creation.

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Perfectionism and Comparison: The Silent Killers of Creativity

Perfectionism and comparison are two of the biggest hurdles content creators face. Penny explains that many people fall into the trap of comparing themselves to others, which leads to feelings of inadequacy and imposter syndrome.

Why Perfectionism Holds You Back

When you strive for perfection, you delay action. This need for flawless work often stems from childhood, where high standards were imposed by parents or mentors. Breaking free from this mindset is crucial if you want to take consistent action.

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Reframing Content Creation: A Simple Shift

One of the most effective ways to overcome mental blocks is to reframe how you think about content creation. Instead of viewing it as self-promotion, Todd suggests seeing it as a way to help others. This shift can remove the pressure many people feel around creating content.

Why This Reframe Works

By focusing on helping others, you stop worrying about how you’ll be perceived and start focusing on the value you’re offering. This makes the process of content creation feel less daunting and more meaningful.

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Simplifying Content Creation

Many people overcomplicate content creation, believing they need high production value or professional editing. Todd emphasizes that the key to effective content is the ideas you’re sharing, not the production quality. Keeping things simple allows you to focus on what matters most: your message.

Actionable Tips for Simplifying Content

  • Use simple tools like your phone or webcam to record content.
  • Focus on the value of your ideas, not on how “perfect” your video looks.
  • Remember: Done is better than perfect. The key is to start and stay consistent.

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Affirmations and Subconscious Rewiring

Affirmations can be a powerful tool for rewiring your subconscious if done correctly. Penny explains that affirmations need to interrupt negative thinking, engage positive emotions, and be said out loud to have an impact.

The Three Key Steps for Effective Affirmations

  • Use them as a pattern interrupt to negative thoughts.
  • Say them out loud to activate your reticular activating system (RAS).
  • Engage with the emotion behind the affirmation to bypass your mind’s critical filter.

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Conclusion: Taking the Next Step

Todd and Penny wrap up their discussion by emphasizing the importance of mindset in content creation. By addressing mental blocks, reprogramming your subconscious, and simplifying your approach to content, you can break free from fear and take consistent action.

Where to Go from Here

If you’re ready to overcome your mental blocks and start creating content with confidence, Penny’s resources on mindset and personal development can help. Explore her podcast, “Penny On Your Thoughts,” or visit her website for more in-depth insights.

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Mindset Resources From Penny Chiasson

Learn more about Penny at

Content Marketing Resources

About the author Todd

Todd is the Founder and lead Evangelist of Growth Suite.