The Leadership Ladder: A sacred geometry-inspired design symbolizing growth and progress through interconnected stages, visually representing the steps to go from invisible to influential with a harmonious geometric pattern.

in Insights,

The Leadership Ladder: How To Become An Online Authority

I was chatting with a client this morning about the roadmap for skills and business assets to get started going from Invisible with no proper online presence to Influential and attracting your ideal clients every day.

It’s called The Leadership Ladder.

Here’s an overview of the roadmap for you to work this year, let me know what you think?

In terms of business growth, here is the most efficient and effective path for Cold Starting (meaning you don’t currently have a strong presence or audience, and not ready to invest in ads and growth yet)

Rung One: 

  • Short form content on social media platforms where your ideal clients currently are

Rung Two:

  • Improve your content skills by using better Hooks and CTAs
  • Send social media traffic to sign up for your email list
  • Send a weekly email article that also gets published on your blog

Rung Three:

  • Add in multimedia (start doing short videos along with the text posts) 
  • Add in longer form (ie YouTube video and blog articles)

Rung Four: 

  • Optimize the F out of your process and content so it gets found and followed massively
  • Multichannel cross promotion (social to email, email to blog, blog to social, social to YouTube, YouTube to email, etc)

There are more details on climbing each rung in my new program, From Invisible To Influential. But this quick overview is a nice and simple roadmap for you to think about moving through on your journey.

PS: Anything after Rung Two is really optional based on how big your goals are. You can be extremely influential in your industry with a strong social presence and growing email list with simple, insightful content published on your website every week.

PPS: Starting this year, we’re leaning HARD into turning your Leadership into Marketing because the world needs more experienced, insightful experts sharing their wisdom and guidance.

About the author Todd

Todd is the Founder and lead Evangelist of Growth Suite.