in Insights,

How To Convert Podcast Listeners Into Leads And Sales With This Weird CTA Trick

If you have a podcast and want to get more leads / sales from your episodes, try this Call To Action…

This will work because in order for listeners to be able to take action it has to be easy for them in the moment of hearing the instructions. And most podcast listening is done as a passive activity while they are doing something else – so they are not likely to go run to their computer, visit your unique URL that you mention, take out their wallet, and buy immediately…

As a listener, what I do when I hear an episode I want to revisit the info on, I actually email it to myself from the podcast app so it’s in my inbox to go back to when I’m at my desk.

So if you want more leads / sales from your podcast listeners try this call to action instead:

<preframe the offer with how it aligns with the episode content>

Example: “If what you just heard makes sense and you want to implement it, we created a free guide to give you the step by step actions to take.


Example: You can sign up for it at <link> – to make it easy and so you don’t forget about it after the episode ends and you’re doing something else, just go to your podcast player right now and tap the 3 dots next to the episode name and hit “Share Episode” and email it to yourself.

*This is faster, easier, and more convenient than them stopping what they’re doing and going through the full motions of signing up / buying

**Make sure you have the link in the show description so that it’s in the email they send themselves from the podcast app

Have a newsletter for your podcast? Click here to learn how to publish your blog vs newsletter onto your website for the best visitor experience

About the author Todd

Todd is the Founder and lead Evangelist of Growth Suite.