Content Machine Like Codie Sanchez

in Insights,

Content Leverage Step By Step: Build a High-Impact Content Machine Like Codie Sanchez (10M Views Per Month!)

Building a 10 Million Monthly View Content Machine with Codie Sanchez

Building a 10 Million Monthly View Content Machine with Codie Sanchez

Codie Sanchez has turned content creation into a highly profitable business model. In this session, she shares her journey from working in finance to becoming a content machine that generates 10 million monthly views. If you’re looking to understand how to create Digital Leverage from content for your brand or business, this blog will break down her key insights.

Introduction: From Finance to Content Empire

Codie Sanchez, once deeply entrenched in the world of finance, made a bold transition to content creation. She realized that while Wall Street provided its own leverage, digital platforms offered a completely different kind of power. In today’s digital economy, content isn’t just king—it’s leverage.

In this video, Codie outlines the journey of building her content empire, stressing the importance of understanding the new-age leverage available to all of us: attention. Learn how she built her 10 million monthly view content machine and the strategies you can use to grow your own brand.

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The Four Types of Leverage

What is Leverage?

Leverage, in its simplest form, is the ability to do more with less. In the world of business, leverage is what helps you scale faster and with more efficiency. Codie explains how leverage has evolved across time, from physical labor to financial capital and technology.

The Evolution of Leverage

Codie breaks leverage down into four main categories:

  • Labor – The most traditional form of leverage, utilizing manpower.
  • Capital – Leveraging money to grow faster, something figures like Rockefeller mastered.
  • Code – The tech moguls, like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, used software to revolutionize industries.
  • Attention – In today’s world, the most valuable resource is attention. Content creators and media companies harness this leverage.

Codie argues that attention is the 21st-century form of leverage, and content creators who understand this will emerge as the business titans of tomorrow.

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Building a Content Business: Why Every Brand Needs It

What is a Content Business?

A content business is one that leverages media, such as blogs, videos, and podcasts, to create value and generate profit. Unlike traditional businesses, content businesses often enjoy incredibly high margins—sometimes as high as 80%. Codie argues that whether you’re selling dog toys or software, every company can benefit from adding content into the mix.

The Case for Content in Every Industry

Codie insists that content isn’t just for influencers or media companies. In fact, any business can leverage content to build trust, establish authority, and reach more customers. Whether you’re selling eBooks, hosting webinars, or running a physical store, content can:

  • Increase brand awareness
  • Generate passive income (e.g., selling digital products)
  • Improve customer engagement
  • Boost trust and authority in your industry

According to Codie, content should be integrated into every business model to create long-term, sustainable growth.

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Retail Investors vs Private Equity: Who’s Better?

Understanding Investor Options

When raising money for your business, it’s essential to understand the difference between retail investors and private equity. Codie explains that many entrepreneurs make the mistake of chasing big checks from venture capitalists or private equity firms, only to end up giving away too much equity.

Why Retail Investors Are Better for Most

Retail investors, on the other hand, typically offer better terms. Codie explains that smaller investors often provide better deals than institutional investors. By focusing on retail investors, entrepreneurs can maintain more control over their companies while still raising the capital they need.

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Success in Content Marketing

Why Specialization Matters

One of Codie’s key points is that to succeed in content marketing, you need specialists. A single social media manager might not be able to handle multiple platforms effectively. Each platform—whether TikTok, YouTube, or Instagram—has unique dynamics that require specialized attention.

Building a Team of Experts

To really grow your content business, Codie recommends building a team of experts. This means having:

  • A TikTok specialist for creating short, engaging videos
  • An Instagram expert for visuals and Reels
  • A YouTube manager for long-form content
  • Dedicated video editors, graphic designers, and copywriters to support the team

By building a team with platform-specific expertise, you’ll be able to grow faster and reach a more engaged audience.

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Codie Sanchez’s Content Funnel Framework

What is a Content Funnel?

A content funnel is a system that moves your audience from awareness to deeper engagement and finally to conversion. Codie’s framework begins with TikTok at the top of the funnel, where she captures the largest audience. Instagram comes next, allowing her to further engage her audience. YouTube sits at the bottom of the funnel, providing a space to build deeper connections and drive conversions.

Optimizing Your Content Funnel

Each platform serves a unique role. Here’s a breakdown:

  • TikTok: Top of the funnel, great for initial reach and viral moments
  • Instagram: Engages your audience further, allows for short-form storytelling
  • YouTube: Builds deeper relationships and is ideal for long-form content

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Content as a Force Multiplier

Maximizing Impact Through Content

Content, according to Codie, is a “force multiplier.” By leveraging the right kind of content, you can drastically increase the impact of your business without needing additional resources. Content allows you to reach more people, more often, and in ways that traditional marketing methods simply can’t match.

The Power of Attention Arbitrage

Codie refers to content marketing as an “attention arbitrage.” In today’s economy, attention is a finite resource. The companies that figure out how to capture and hold attention will ultimately win. She encourages business owners to invest in content as a long-term strategy for gaining visibility and authority.

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Conclusion: The Most Important Trade of the 21st Century

Codie concludes by emphasizing that attention is the most important trade of the 21st century. As attention becomes scarcer and more valuable, the businesses that understand how to leverage content to capture it will see outsized returns. Her final message is clear: if you want to thrive in today’s economy, start leveraging content now.

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About the author Todd

Todd is the Founder and lead Evangelist of Growth Suite.